Monday, June 29, 2009

First Day of Cram School

It was sooooooooo long.

The English class goes very fast, and it was confusing and hard.
(Those of people who is thinking..."What the heck, Sayuka? You lived in Georgia for 10 years, it should be easy for you!" It actually not... I have to remember the tenses, and some "special cases", and the translation is very painful!!)

Plus, each class is hour and 50 min long... four classes... 9-6...pain...

Well, it is tiring, but at least my friend from Saturday school and Momoko is there.

All I learned today is that I am so not ready for college. -_-;


Ellisa said...

aww poor sayuka
i would die in classes that are that long...and most ppl who speak english don't remember tenses and stuff like that cuz it just comes naturally xP

ehh i bet you'll be fine! just don't give up yet :P be like naruto

sapica said...

lol naruto....
mentioned about it,
are you keep reading or watching naruto?? cause i am really behind and have no idea how the story went...

Ellisa said...

yea i'm reading it. ommgg
where did you stop at? b/c a lot of it is like WTF?!!?!?