Sunday, September 20, 2009

Exam Finished!!!!


Finally finished with the exam that I actually didn't want to take.....

After that my classmates and I had an "after exam" party.
No, I didn't get drunk, I actually faked drinking.
Plus, I had to go home....but it was really fun.

Lesson learned: Science people really love anime...
No kidding, some people know things about anime more than I do.
I was amazed.

Another thing I was amazed, there are long and huge green onions in Japan.
I don't know how does people cook with this.....


Xin-Yu Chloe said...

whoa, that green onion is huge. i went to a japanese ramen shop with my friends today. it was soooo yummy. :)

Ellisa said...

Congrats on finishing your exams!! They're sooo freaking annoying...I have exams this week...bleagggh saaaaave me. Haha, speaking of anime fans, I joined the anime club here and some of the people are crazy about it! They're like watching somewhat obscure stuff they found >.< At least I think it's obscure. Did you ever see one about this soda can that turns into a girl?

I love green onions! They taste good in cheese quesadillas :D

sapica said...

Ellisa, I heard about that anime before, but I was like ........yeah.......
I havn't watch new anime at all recently, I really miss it so much. orz

Ellisa said...

Are you done with cram school in general? Or just with exams?

School takes up so much time...

sapica said...

I have cram school till Decmeber.
I need to go there unitl I got accepted from the colleges that I want to go.

Ellisa said...

Oh, ok. When do you hear back from the colleges you want to go to?