Sunday, November 1, 2009

This Weekend

was so much fun!!

There was a Halloween party yesterday at my friend's house.
Sadly, I couldn't buy a costume, so I wore regular clothes in Halloween color...

There was a maid, butler, bear, and frog....
It was hilarious.
We played game, talked, and danced.
I think it was a great opportunity to learn more about every people.

And today there was a school festival at university.
I went there with Momoko, and the festival was great.
The campus was huge and beautiful, and there were so many food selling.
It was my first time to visit school festival, and I enjoyed it.

Is there a school festival also in America?

BTW, the picture doesn't mean anything.
Just saw it on Halloween, and I was just impressed.


Ellisa said...

Sigh, I didn't do anything for Halloween either...I stayed up until 2 am that night to catch up on my chem lectures....blargh
There was a huge Halloween party going on too! And I saw this guy dressed up as Ash and another guy as Professor Oak the day before Halloween....
I think the festivals depends on the schools here. Some have those...Have you decided on a university yet?

sapica said...

The exam season started again.
This time I'm taking three. And I think this would be my last chance...I just hope I pass somewhere.

It was sad here on Halloween day... nobody dressed up (duh). The people who dressed up came to the party as a group, so according to one of that group, people who saw them was like"!?" I went to party by myself, so I missed the hilarious scene... -_-

Sara E said...

I made my costume i was sakura from tsubasa chronicles the costume was from ch.133 XD

Ellisa said...

Awwwww poor Sayuka....

Good luck on your exams!!!