Sunday, September 20, 2009

Exam Finished!!!!


Finally finished with the exam that I actually didn't want to take.....

After that my classmates and I had an "after exam" party.
No, I didn't get drunk, I actually faked drinking.
Plus, I had to go home....but it was really fun.

Lesson learned: Science people really love anime...
No kidding, some people know things about anime more than I do.
I was amazed.

Another thing I was amazed, there are long and huge green onions in Japan.
I don't know how does people cook with this.....

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Result....

I failed...

Just as I expected since I really did horrible on the chemistry test...
Well at least it was my first exam, now I know how the exam goes.

Next exam is on Sunday!!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

First Weekend Since First Exam

Woot! Finally a weekend.

The first exam went okay...
for me... I actually didn't well as I could have done....

Well, I have an interview left for this college,
I hope this helps....

And I failed another college.
I got unaccepted by application form.
But it's okay, that college wasn't
the college that I want to go most.

The colleges that I want to go most
start in Oct, Nov.
I could start studying harder

Man..... I don't remember the chemistry
was very hard and confusing.....